
I offer staff meeting and training day sessions. I can work with single schools, groups of staff such as leadership or ECTS and also whole Trust wide training. Below are some ideas but I can also write something bespoke for your needs too. I offer these virtually or in person as distance and costs shouldn’t be a barrier to meaningful CPD!

The topics below can be combined to create a unique training day that will have a lasting positive effect on your whole school

In person – £250 for a 60-90 minute session, £450 for a morning/afternoon, £700 for a full day (plus travel expenses)

Virtual –  £149 for a 60-90 minute session. 

To book, complete the form below or email your requirements to info@nourishtheworkplace.com 


Wellbeing - How To Take Positive Action


Learn more about what wellbeing actually is and how we can all work together to improve it.

We will discuss taking responsibility for your own wellbeing and discuss whole school strategies to make further improvements.

All Staff Matter!


All staff have very different needs, but meeting them in a fast paced world can be daunting.

This training helps you explore your staff’s individual needs and how to meet them in the best way.


Putting Yourself On Top Of The Priority List


Lots of us know that we should look after ourselves more, but how?

When we are juggling so many balls it can seem so daunting we just put it off. This training helps to shift your mindset and gives you practical solutions.

Improving school culture and its environment so your staff can be at their best


Great for Trust wide CPD, this training shows you how the culture and environment can impact your staff in different ways and helps you find practical ways to easily make effective changes. 

Rest, Refuel and Recharge - The New 3Rs!


Practical ways to use food to improve your health and wellbeing with lots of useful information about how to #FindFifteen in your day to look after your wellbeing.

The Key to Your Health and Happiness



Perfect for leadership days or ECT training, this takes you through your barriers to health and happiness and how to break through them.

It takes attendees out of the comfort zone in a safe and supportive way to help them make real life changes.


Top Ten Tips You Need To Improve Your Wellbeing


Personal wellbeing strategies you can implement today to see a shift in your thinking and an improvement in your health and wellbeing.  

Support staff to take responsibility for their own wellbeing which will in turn impact the whole school environment.


Gender Considerations in Workplace


Taking you through the variety of considerations we need to make within our schools to ensure whole school wellbeing is embedded and sustainable. This workshop sparks interesting discussions and helps guide policies and change for the future.

Eat, Sleep, Menopause

How to spot the signs of the menopause (way more than you think) and learning how to improve eating and sleeping habits to empower you to flourish in this stage of your life instead of just surviving. 

Disclaimer – I am not a medical professional 


If you think I can help in a way that is not listed above, please get in touch as I would be happy to create something bespoke too.

Book a session