
I qualified as a teacher in 1999 and had many roles within school settings for 19 years. I am currently using my skills to help people to be happier in their life, through this project and my other business, Nourish Your Inner Happy. I hope to return to the classroom in the future when my children are older.

Nourish The Workplace was inspired after seeing many amazing teachers leaving the profession after being worn down by schools not prioritising staff wellbeing and their health.

I have seen the profession change drastically over that time to one where teachers are so overworked and stressed that they do not have the mental capacity to do this and they leave, feeling guilty that they cannot give the children what they need, a first class education.

I understand that wellbeing budgets are low, and you want to focus your money on the children. But if you look after the teachers, they will be able to look after the children themselves.


Kimberley Evans - Founder

The majority of people, including me, come into teaching because they are passionate about making a difference to children’s lives. But stress causes illness which leads to poor teaching and absence. Teachers are leaving the profession in their droves causing a recruitment crisis.

Having been in the industry for many years I have connected with teachers and senior management across the UK. Right now there is a current theme, teachers are stressed, they feel undervalued and I have found that they do not have the time to prioritise their own health as their workload is too high. They do not have enough time to eat or hydrate properly throughout the day, high levels of stress further attacks their immune systems which leads to them being ill.

This project hopes to encourage schools to foster a greater importance on staff wellbeing and health, to ensure they can teach the children to the best of their abilities and enjoy their job.